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“Overseas Travel”



Pre-Listening Question

  1. Vocabulary Preview: Help students become familiar with key travel-related vocabulary and phrases mentioned in the interview. Activity: Provide a list of vocabulary words or phrases related to travel, such as “pet regulations,” “food allergies,” “outlets,” “tipping culture,” “visa,” “passport,” “translation app,” and “cultural differences.” Ask students to match each word or phrase with its definition or explanation. This will prepare them to better understand the content of the interview.

  2. Cultural Awareness Discussion: Encourage students to think about cultural differences and the importance of cultural awareness when traveling. Activity: In small groups, ask students to discuss their experiences or knowledge of traveling to different countries. Prompt them to share any cultural misunderstandings or challenges they’ve encountered. Afterward, lead a class discussion on the importance of cultural sensitivity and awareness when traveling abroad, relating it to the interview’s content about tipping, food, and language barriers.

Vocabulary and Expressions

Here are some words and expressions that appear in the video:

prepare (verb): make something ready or suitable for a particular purpose
– Sarah spent hours preparing her speech for the important conference.

vital (adjective): absolutely necessary or essential
– Safety instructions are vital in a laboratory environment to prevent accidents.

translation (noun): the act of rendering words or text from one language into another
– The translation of this ancient text proved to be a challenging task for the linguists.

document (noun): a written or printed record of information or evidence

– Please ensure you have all the required documents, such as your driver’s license and registration, before driving the car.

rude (adjective): showing a lack of respect for others’ feelings or customs
– Interrupting someone while they’re speaking is considered rude in many cultures.

Listening Comprehension Questions

Now, watch the interview and answer the comprehension questions. You can also turn on the automatically-generated captions for the video once you start it.

Conversation Questions


  1. What are some practical steps you can take to prepare for a successful overseas trip, as discussed in the interview?
  2. How can having a list of food allergies translated into the native language help travelers with dietary restrictions?
  3. In the interview, Aubrey mentioned the importance of planning well in advance when traveling with pets. Can you think of other situations where advance planning is crucial for a trip, and why?
  4. Discuss the significance of understanding local customs and cultural differences when traveling. How might a lack of cultural awareness affect a traveler’s experience in a foreign country?


  1. Aubrey mentioned the issue of food allergies when traveling. Share your insights into the challenges and solutions for travelers with dietary restrictions. How can travelers ensure their safety in countries with different cuisines?
  2. Randall discussed the importance of collecting information about the local culture and avoiding reliance on anecdotes from others. Why is it crucial for travelers to have a broad understanding of the culture, religious and political systems of the destination? Can you provide examples of how this knowledge might impact their interactions and experiences abroad?

Related Language Activities on Randall’s Web Site

The following activities deal with related topics to give you additional language practice.

Disclosure: ChatGPT was used collaboratively to prepare some of the content for this lesson.
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