Here are some words and expressions that appear in the video:
empathetic (adjective): showing the ability to understand the feelings of others
– My teacher is very empathetic towards the challenges of her international students. In fact, she studied in Japan for two years, and thus, she knows how it feels to be away from close family and friends.
Randall: In this video, Emily and I are discussing what are the qualities that we look for in an ideal friend, and what would those qualities be to you, Emily?
Emily: For me, probably the most important quality is someone who’s genuinely kind. Um, that’s really important to me that people are kind and honest and empathetic, and that’s my big few things.
Randall: And how would you measure kindness?
Emily: Seeing how they interact with other people and seeing how they interact with animals and on their social media. That’s a good way of seeing how kind they are.
Randall: I really like those ideas because it’s not just about people. It’s about animals, people around you, people that you know or don’t know. Those are really good qualities. So great. Thanks for sharing.