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“Life Memories: Have You Ever?”



Pre-Listening Activities

  1. Discussion Warm-up: Begin the lesson by asking students about their personal experiences related to the topics discussed in the interview. For example, have they ever broken a bone? Have they learned a second language? Have they tried any unusual foods? Encourage students to share their stories with the class, fostering engagement and a sense of connection to the topic.

  2. Prediction Exercise: Give students a brief overview of the interview topic and some possible questions that might be asked. Ask students to predict Aubrey’s answers based on the information provided. This prediction exercise will activate their prior knowledge and pique their interest in finding out the actual responses.

  3. Role Play – “Never Have I Ever”: Based on the interview’s format, organize a fun role-play activity where students ask each other “Never Have I Ever” questions. Encourage them to create questions related to the topics mentioned in the interview, such as trying unusual foods or experiencing unique situations. This activity will build language skills and create a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

  4. Listening Comprehension Task: Before listening to the interview, hand out comprehension questions related to the content. Students can listen attentively to the interview to find the answers. This exercise will help them focus on key information during the listening task.

  5. Reflective Writing: Have students individually write a short reflection about the interview. They can talk about what surprised them, what they found interesting, and whether they can relate to any of Aubrey’s experiences. This activity will encourage students to think more deeply about the content and its relevance to their lives.

Vocabulary and Expressions

Here are some words and expressions that appear in the video:

traumatic (adjective): causing strong feelings of sadness or fear because it was a very upsetting experience
– The car accident was a very traumatic experience for the entire family, and they are very sad about what happened.

immersed (adjective): completely surrounded by something that interests you
– Sarah was so immersed in her book that she forgot to call her mom.

unusual (adjective): not common or regular, something that is not seen or done often
– It is unusual for my brother not to call me at least once a week. I hope he is okay.

outdoorsy (adjective): a fondness for outdoor activities
– Mark is a very outdoorsy guy. He loves to hike, camp, and fish.

reflect (verb): think deeply or carefully about something
– I often reflect on the experiences that I had living overseas.

Listening Comprehension Questions

Now, watch the interview and answer the comprehension questions. You can also turn on the automatically-generated captions for the video once you start it.

Conversation Questions

Easy (Comprehension/Recall):

  1. What game did Randall propose to play in the interview, and how did Aubrey respond?
  2. Can you recall any of the experiences Aubrey shared when answering whether she had ever broken a bone?
  3. Which languages did Aubrey mention she learned, and how did she acquire these language skills?
  4. What type of food did Aubrey consider unusual, and why was it considered unusual?
  5. According to Aubrey, how does she react when she falls out of bed in her sleep?

Intermediate (Critical Thinking):

  1. Reflect on the experiences Aubrey shared about breaking a bone. How might such experiences shape a person’s perspective on physical activities and risks?
  2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of natural language learning, as demonstrated by Aubrey’s experience with learning Japanese while living in Japan.
  3. Aubrey mentioned that cultural perspectives can influence what is considered unusual to eat. Can you think of other examples of how cultural background might shape people’s views on food or other aspects of life?
  4. Aubrey mentioned that she used to get offended when receiving gifts she didn’t like. How might our perceptions and reactions to gifts change as we grow older and gain more life experiences?
  5. Aubrey expressed a change in her preference for camping as she got older. What factors might influence someone’s shift in outdoor interests over time?

Advanced (Critical Thinking and Analysis):

  1. Aubrey discussed her experience of receiving feminine gifts that she didn’t like. How can gender stereotypes impact gift-giving practices and individuals’ reactions to gifts? What strategies can society adopt to challenge such stereotypes?
  2. Aubrey mentioned her sensitivity to certain skincare products, which impacted her views on receiving gifts like body wash and lotions. Reflect on how personal experiences and health considerations can influence gift preferences and acceptance.
  3. Aubrey mentioned having a positive experience riding a specific horse because they synced well. Discuss the concept of animal-human connections and how such experiences can shape our perceptions of specific animals.
  4. Aubrey mentioned she was classically trained on the piano and played the clarinet. How might learning and engaging in musical activities impact cognitive development and overall personal growth?
  5. The interview touched on Aubrey’s shift from an outdoorsy lifestyle to preferring hotels over camping. Analyze the potential factors that contribute to changes in personal interests and preferences as individuals age and evolve in different environments.

Disclosure: ChatGPT was used collaboratively to prepare some of the content for this lesson.
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