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“The Generation Gap”



Pre-Listening Question

  • Objective: To activate students’ prior knowledge and experiences related to the generation gap.
  • Instructions:
    • Pair up students or organize small groups.
    • Ask them to discuss the following questions:
      1. What does the term “generation gap” mean to you?
      2. Have you ever had a disagreement with someone from a different generation? What was it about?
      3. Do you think older people are wiser than younger people? Why or why not?
    • After the discussion, invite a few groups to share their thoughts with the class.

Vocabulary and Expressions

Here are some words and expressions that appear in the video:

  • generation gap (noun): differences in attitudes, values, or behaviors between older and younger generations
    – The generation gap often leads to misunderstandings between parents and their children.
    – Technology has widened the generation gap between older and younger people.

  • overgeneralization (noun): a statement that is too broad and doesn’t consider all the facts
    – Saying all teenagers are lazy is an overgeneralization.
    – We should avoid making overgeneralizations about entire generations.

  • handy (adjective): good at fixing things or doing practical tasks
    – My grandfather is very handy and can repair almost anything in the house.
    – It’s helpful to be handy when you own a home.

  • prism (noun): a way of viewing something that distorts or alters the reality
    – She viewed the world through the prism of her experiences as a teacher.
    – His opinions are shaped by the prism of his upbringing.

  • impose (verb): to force something upon others without their agreement
    – The government should not impose its views on the people.
    – I don’t want to impose my beliefs on you, but I think this might help.

Listening Comprehension Questions

Now, watch the interview and answer the comprehension questions. You can also turn on the automatically-generated captions for the video once you start it.

Conversation Questions


  1. What does Aubrey say has changed between her generation and Randall’s?
  2. What skill does Aubrey admit Randall is better at?
  3. What example does Randall give that older generations often say to younger people?
  4. What does Aubrey say about buying a house and avocado toast?
  5. Why does Aubrey disagree with the idea that older generations are always wiser?
  6. How does Randall respond when Aubrey says the economy has changed?
  7. What is Aubrey’s opinion about the idea that millennials can’t afford houses because of their spending habits?
  8. How does Randall describe the older generation’s worldview?


  1. How do generational differences affect discussions about important issues like the economy?
  2. What are some potential consequences of the older generation imposing their knowledge on younger people without understanding current challenges?

Classroom Activities

1. Visual Learners

Activity: Generation Gap Venn Diagram

  • Description: Students will create a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the perspectives of the older and younger generations as discussed in the interview.
  • Instructions:
    • Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
    • Have students draw two overlapping circles on a large sheet of paper.
    • In one circle, they’ll write down the perspectives, values, and experiences of the older generation as mentioned by Randall.
    • In the other circle, they’ll write down those of the younger generation as shared by Aubrey.
    • In the overlapping section, students will list any similarities or shared understandings.
    • Groups can then present their diagrams to the class and discuss their findings.

2. Auditory Learners

Activity: Role-Play Debate

  • Description: Students will engage in a role-play debate where they take on the roles of either Randall or Aubrey and discuss generational differences.
  • Instructions:
    • Pair up students and assign one student to play Randall and the other to play Aubrey.
    • Give them a few minutes to prepare by reviewing key points from the interview.
    • The Randall side will argue the perspective of the older generation, emphasizing wisdom and traditional knowledge.
    • The Aubrey side will argue from the perspective of the younger generation, focusing on modern challenges and changes.
    • After the debate, have the class discuss which arguments were most compelling and why.

    ChatGPT was used collaboratively to prepare some of the discussion questions for this lesson.
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