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“Dogs or Cats?”



Pre-Listening Question

Objective: Stimulate students’ interest and personal connection to the topic of pets.


  1. Divide students into small groups.
  2. Provide each group with the following discussion questions related to the theme of pets.
  3. Allow 10-15 minutes for discussion and then have the groups share their thoughts with the class.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you prefer dogs, cats, or both? Why?
  2. What do you think are the main benefits of having a pet?
  3. What might be some challenges or disadvantages of having a dog or a cat?
  4. Share a personal experience you or someone you know has had with a dog or a cat.
  5. If you could only choose one, would you prefer a pet that is independent (like a cat) or one that needs more attention (like a dog)? Explain your choice.
  6. How do you think having a pet might affect your daily routine and lifestyle?

Follow-up: After the discussion, explain that they will listen to an interview where Randall and Aubrey talk about the pros and cons of owning dogs and cats. Encourage students to listen for similarities and differences between their own opinions and those shared in the interview.

Vocabulary and Expressions

Here are some words and expressions that appear in the interview.

benefit (verb): helpful or good point
– There are many benefits to having a pet in your home.

aloof (adjective): cool and distant
– My sister might appear aloof, but she’s just shy. Go talk to her.

temperamental (adjective): displaying unpredictable mood changes
– James has been a little temperamental lately since his girlfriend broke up with him.

Listening Comprehension Questions

Now, watch the interview and answer the comprehension questions. You can also turn on the automatically-generated captions for the video once you start it.


Randall: In this video. Aubrey, let’s talk about dogs or cats. And when we think about cute little dogs or cats or big dogs and cats, often people are thinking about, well, what are the pros and cons of each one? And when you think about dogs and cats specifically, what are the benefits of having a dog and a cat, and which would you choose if you had to make that choice?

Aubrey: Now, I’m going to start by saying I couldn’t make that choice. I . . . I Need both of them in my life. I have a dog and a cat, and they’re great. I can definitely see why one would pick one over the other though. Like cats are great, but I can see why you wouldn’t like one. Like people don’t want to have to clean out a litter box. Sometimes, cats are really aloof. Like my first cat that I had would do this thing where sometimes he would come and sit on my lap but didn’t want me to touch him. So he would bite me, and I wouldn’t know which way it would go until I tried to pet him.

Randall: So a little temperamental.

Aubrey: Yes. Good cat. Loved the heck out of him, but, huh, he was. . . .  It’s hard with cats sometimes because they have attitudes. Then, you get dogs, on the other hand, which, you know, your stereotypical dog is pretty needy, right? They want your attention, they want this and that. Obviously, you’re going to have varieties of dogs like you’re going to have ones that are more independent and ones that like to complain a lot like Huskies. Um, but you know, they’re . . . its just different, right? Like, I think in the middle of the night when my dog wakes me up, it’s like, Oh, if only he knew how to use the litter box because I don’t want to get out of bed.

Randall: Because you have to take him outside.

Aubrey: Exactly, but on the other hand, he does make me exercise because I have to go for a walk.

Randall: Okay, so you said choice between a dog and cat.

Aubrey: Can’t make one. [uh-huh]

Randall: Can’t make one. All right. Well, thanks for sharing those ideas on cats and dogs.

Conversation Questions

Intermediate Level

  1. What are some reasons people might prefer cats over dogs, according to Aubrey?

  2. Why does Aubrey say she needs both a dog and a cat in her life?

  3. What is one advantage and one disadvantage of having a dog mentioned in the interview?

  4. Aubrey mentions that her cat had a temperamental behavior. Can you describe a situation she talked about that shows this?

  5. According to the interview, what are some specific ways in which dogs and cats require different types of care?

  6. How does Aubrey’s experience with her pets influence her inability to choose between a dog and a cat?

Advanced Level

  1. Analyze how Aubrey’s description of her pets’ behavior reflects common stereotypes about cats and dogs. Do you think these stereotypes are generally accurate? Why or why not?

  2. Discuss how owning a pet can impact a person’s physical and mental health, using examples from the interview and your own experiences or knowledge.

  3. Aubrey mentions that her dog helps her exercise because she has to take it for walks. How do you think the responsibilities of pet ownership can affect a person’s daily routine and lifestyle? Compare this with other types of commitments (e.g., having a child, a demanding job, etc.).

Related Language Activities on Randall’s Web Site

Disclosure: ChatGPT was used collaboratively to prepare some of the content for this lesson.
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