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English Idioms

“Cut to the chase”

Cut to the Chase


  • Come to the point

Frequency of Use: Medium

Sample Sentences

  1. We don’t have much time, so let’s cut to the chase and discuss the main points.
  2. Let’s cut to the chase and talk about the problems in our relationship.
  3. I realize that you are very busy, so let me cut to the chase and explain my family situation.

Conversation Questions

  1. In what situations is it best to cut to the chase and discuss problems directly rather than beating around the bus and talking about things indirectly?
  2. If you have bad breath, would you want a stranger to cut to the chase and tell you? Why or why not?

Speaking Situation

Task 1

You take your father to the emergency room at the hospital because he has suddenly become very sick. After running a number of tests, the doctor tells you privately that your father might have some form of cancer, but won’t be sure until he meets with a specialist later in the day. When you see your father again, he asks what the doctor said. In this case, do you cut to the chase and tell your father what the doctor said, or do you simply say that they need to consult with a specialist later in the day?

Task 2

You are at home, and your best friend, Maria, calls you to let you know that she is getting married. She says she has been dating the man for six months, and she is bringing him over to your house in a few minutes so you can meet him. When they arrive, and you open the door, Maria is standing there with her fiancé, James, but you and James stare at each other. You see, you met James at a party about a month ago, and you went out on one date. You had no idea that he was dating your best friend. What do you do? Do you cut to the chase and demand to know what is going on, or do you pretend nothing had happened? 

Language Activity

Sometimes, learners know the meaning of an idiom, but they don’t know how to use it correctly in conversation or writing. Thus, this activity checks your grammatical accuracy with the idiom so you become more confident in using it. 

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