Jori: Hi Dave. [Hi] Happy to see you could make it. Come on in.
Dave: Wow. Looks like the party’s in full swing.
Jori: Yeah. And they’re eating me out of house and home. Oh, I’d like you to meet my sister, Carol. She’s visiting for the weekend.
Dave: Oh. Which one is she?
Jori: She’s sitting on the sofa over there.
Dave: You mean the woman wearing the red sweater with the long black hair?
Jori: Yeah. That’s right. Let me introduce you to her. I just know you two will hit it off. You’re both so outgoing and adventurous.
Dave: Uh, and who’s the man sitting next to her? The man with the suit jacket and flashy green tie?
Jori: Oh, that’s Bob, my karate teacher.
Dave: Karate teacher! I never knew you were into karate.
Jori: Yeah, I started about two months ago. Come on. I’d like you to meet them.