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Website Update July 2024

This month, I will be traveling to Arequipa, Peru, to present at the Peru TESOL Conference. You can see summaries of my presentations here. I will be speaking on AI technologies and how the pandemic changed the way I engage with teachers and students.

I also continue to work on other projects on my sites, including more interviews. I also hope to take time off to spend with family. Enjoy your school breaks if you have them.

Web Site Update – October 2022

As the fall progresses, and we start to enter the colder months, I reflect on how change is a constant in our lives: the change of the leaves, the transformation of our garden from vivid green to colorful fall pastels, and the evolution my students make in their understanding of the language and the diversity of cultures around them. I remember it was around this time of year back in 1997 when I was working on my Website to launch in 1998. Most of my current students weren’t alive back then, almost 25 years ago, and I recognize my own change as a teacher, father, spouse, friend, and human being.

Embracing change is the only step forward in our lives. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.



Web Site Update – December 2020

Well, we have finally made it to the end of 2020, having experienced the enormous impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on every aspect of life on the planet. For my part, there have certainly been highs and lows, but I have experienced a certain transition and transformation in the way I live my life and they way I teach.

That said, I have witnessed the suffering of many people, and teachers, students, and parents have been among those who have had to adapt—often with great inconvenience and some loss of community—during this difficult time. That said, there has been new growth along the way.

I have continued my live broadcasts as a means of giving teachers and students a voice to share their experiences, something I plan to continue, and I have also set up a LinkedIn profile HERE for myself that may provide another source of community where teachers can connect with one another.

I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. Here is one of my interviews in which my guest, Paulina Rojas Ceciliano, and I discuss how the pandemic has changed our lives.

Best wishes,


Web Site Update – November 2020

Hi everyone,

As you move into the fall and winter months, I am constantly thinking about new directions for my work and Web sites. Recently, I have been refocusing on some of my other Web sites, including It is a fun Web site in which students can read and listen to recordings on everyday language and topics in the community. There are also comprehension and discussion questions. Give it a try.

In addition, I continue to do regular Facebook Live broadcasts with teachers from around the world. This has been a great way to reach out and connect with people who are trying to thrive in the teaching profession in spite of current pandemic difficulties.

Keep an eye on my Facebook and YouTube channel for new content and information.

Web Site Update – October 2020

Wow! Thank is all I can say about the past few months of Web site development and the live broadcasts I have been doing. I have met so many amazing people, and this has led to my creating new video activities based on these interviews and broadcasts. Take a look here:

My plan is to continue reaching out to students and teachers with such fun and rewarding content throughout the rest of the year. I also suggest taking a look at my YouTube Channel and Facebook Page for a list of all these broadcasts as well.

I love what I do!


Web Site Update – September 2020

Hi everyone,

This has certainly been a busy month, particularly with the new Facebook Live broadcasts that have featured teachers from around the world (see list of past episodes). I also have been hosting a monthly meeting called Teacher Swap Shop in which teachers from different parts of the world have shared their ideas on a range of topics. I will be continuing these projects as a way of providing teachers support for our changing times, especially since many more teachers are having to conduct online classes in so many cases.

Keep an eye on my Facebook page for more details.


Web Site Update – August 2020

Hello once again,

I hope you are well even in the midst of the pandemic that still is affecting so much of the world.

For me, this summer has been filled with many learning opportunities, and one of the biggest projects that I have been working on has been the Facebook Live broadcasts with teachers from around the world. You can see some of the most recent events HERE, and I have been turning these into learning opportunities for language learners. You can also see these broadcasts on my YouTube channel.

The whole focus of doing such events is to support teachers in difficult circumstances and provide them with opportunities to learn and grow. Life is about our shared journey of struggle and growth together. Thanks for being a part of my work.

