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“End-of-Life Scenarios”



Pre-Listening Question

Objective: To activate students’ prior knowledge and assumptions about end-of-life decisions.

Activity: Present students with a series of statements related to end-of-life decisions (e.g., “Most people would quit their jobs if they knew they only had one year to live” or “People prioritize travel when faced with limited time”). Students will mark whether they think each statement is true or false.

Here are 10 true/false statements for the Anticipation Guide activity based on end-of-life decisions:

  1. Most people would quit their jobs if they knew they only had one year to live.
  2. It’s common for people to prioritize spending time with their pets during end-of-life situations.
  3. If someone is healthy but knows they have only one year to live, they are more likely to run up credit card debt.
  4. Many people choose not to start new romantic relationships if they know they are near the end of life.
  5. Traveling to new places becomes less important to people as they near the end of their lives.
  6. People in declining health often prefer to spend their remaining time making arrangements for their loved ones and pets.
  7. Most people would avoid seeking medical help for travel if they were terminally ill and had financial support.
  8. Pets, like cats and dogs, are often a priority when making end-of-life plans.
  9. Starting new projects, like finding a new job, is a common focus when people know they have limited time left.
  10. Planning trips to popular tourist destinations, like Europe, is not a priority for many facing end-of-life decisions.

Follow-up: After listening to the interview, students revisit the statements and discuss whether the interview confirmed or challenged their initial thoughts.

Vocabulary and Expressions

Here are some words and expressions that appear in the video:

prepare (verb): to get ready or make plans for something

– I need to prepare my presentation for tomorrow’s meeting.
– She helped her sister prepare for the big exam.

important (adjective): something that has great value or meaning

– It is important to stay hydrated, especially during hot weather.
– Family is the most important thing to him.

quickly (adverb): in a fast or speedy way

– She quickly finished her homework so she could go outside.
– The car moved quickly through the busy street.

decision (noun): a choice or judgment you make after thinking

– He made the decision to take the job offer.
– It was a tough decision, but she decided to move to another city.

after (preposition): following in time or order

– We went out for ice cream after the movie.
– She felt tired after running the marathon.

Listening Comprehension Questions

Now, watch the interview and answer the comprehension questions. You can also turn on the automatically-generated captions for the video once you start it.

Conversation Questions


  1. What are some things Aubrey would do for her pets if she had one year to live?

  2. How does Aubrey feel about her job in the interview?

  3. What are some reasons Aubrey gives for not starting new relationships if she knows she has limited time?

  4. How does Aubrey’s attitude toward travel change when discussing her health?


  1. In what ways do Aubrey’s views on financial decisions reflect her attitude towards life and death?

  2. How might Aubrey’s choices and priorities change if she knew she had a longer time to live? Discuss the implications of those changes.

ChatGPT was used collaboratively to prepare some of the discussion questions for this lesson.
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