Doing housework is just a part of life that most people don’t enjoy, but they realize it has to be done. Some people hire home cleaning services; the rest of us just do it ourselves. Listen to the words below and consult a dictionary if you need a definition. Write a sample sentence for each word to learn how it is used in context. You can use the Internet to find such sentences or related information.
Listening Exercise
A. Listen to the recording and answer the questions.
- clean off the table (also, “clean the table off“)
- clean up the room
- dust the furniture
- fix up the apartment
- hang up the suit
- make the bed
- mop the floor
- pick up the clothes
- polish the furniture
- put away the books
- set the table
- sweep up the mess
- take out the trash
- throw out the garbage
- tidy up the closet
- turn off the light
- vacuum the floor
- wash the clothes
- wash down the walls
- watch the kids
Follow-Up Activity
Who does the housework in your family? Do men, women, and children share in the household chores? Do you think children should be required to do housework in order to receive allowance?