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English Culture Videos

“Fun Kid Activities”

Pre-Listening Discussion

Here are some prelistening activities to introduce the topic of the video.

  1. Childhood Interests and Curiosities:

    • What are some common things that young children find fascinating?
    • Why do you think children are naturally curious about simple things like planes, animals, and nature?
  2. Family Activities:

    • What activities do you enjoy doing with young children in your family?
    • How do you think these activities help in a child’s development?
  3. Exploration and Learning:

    • How important is it for children to have opportunities to explore their surroundings?
    • Can you share an experience where a child’s exploration led to a memorable discovery or learning moment?
  4. Role of Grandparents:

    • What role do grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren?
    • How do grandparents contribute to the early learning experiences of young children?
  5. Technology vs. Nature:

    • In today’s digital age, how do you balance a child’s exposure to technology with their time spent in nature?
    • What are the benefits of allowing children to engage with natural elements and simple activities?


fascinated (adjective): very interested or attracted to something

– Odin is fascinated by the planes taking off and landing.

– Children are often fascinated by simple things like rocks and sand.

explore (verb): to travel around a place to learn about it or discover new things

– Young children love to explore their surroundings.

– We took a day to explore the new park in our neighborhood.

simple (adjective): easy to understand or do; not complicated

– Odin enjoys the simple pleasures of picking up rocks and playing in sand.

– The instructions for the game were very simple to follow.

natural (adjective): existing in nature; not made or caused by people

– It is natural for children to be curious about the world around them.

– The park is full of natural beauty, with trees and flowers everywhere.

Video Script

Whoa. Look at that plane go! What do you say, Oddie? What do you say? Bye-bye, plane. Yeah. Our grandson, Odin, loves to say hello to planes. He likes watching them take off; he likes watching them land. He really likes going out playing . . . he’s really fascinated by the most simple things. He loves playing with dogs; he loves looking at cats. Picking up rocks. Playing in sand. Just about everything, and that’s pretty much natural about a lot of kids. They just like to explore, and as a two-year-old, I don’t think that’s anything new. Signing off. Randall here.

Online Investigations and Discussion Questions

What do children like to do for fun at different stages in their lives? Think of any specific activities for these age groups:

  • Under 5 years old
  • Six to 12 years old
  • Young teenagers, 13-15 years old
  • Older teenagers, 16-18 years old


    1. Why do you think Odin is fascinated by simple things like planes, animals, and rocks?
    2. What activities mentioned in the interview do you think help in a child’s development? Why?
    3. How do you think exploring the outdoors benefits young children?


    1. Discuss the significance of nurturing a child’s natural curiosity. How can this impact their overall development?
    2. Reflect on the role of grandparents in early childhood education. How can they influence a child’s learning experiences?
    3. In the context of the interview, how does the balance between technology and nature play a role in a child’s growth and exploration? Provide examples.
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